I asked. No-one replied. I delivered anyway. A couple of months ago I asked my clients and candidates what upgrades could be made to our existing website. With Herrera Homes nearing three years old I wanted to make some improvements, mainly on my jobs page, for the following reasons: PERCEPTION - everyone knows that recruiters naturally have inflated egos which underpin massive insecurity. Did I really want my company's online presence making people believe they're dealing with some kind of hairy oaf sat at home in his underpants? NO SIR! And although you do get that when you work with me, the new site hopefully shows that you also get PROFESSIONALISM. CHANGES IN COSTS TO TRADITIONAL ADVERTISING STREAMS - although the site is an initial large investment, with the likes of CV Library and Totaljobs insisting you re-mortgage your pet CAT to purchase their product, the new Herrera Homes site will enable us to utilise a more targeted approach to our advertising, spreading costs over several methods including the traditional job boards. Trust me, it's much better for the client that I can make those decisions independently as not one method fits for all job roles. EFFICIENCY (the main one) - although I work with Indeed, Totaljobs, Reed, LinkedIn and other advertising avenues, it was time to take back abit of control and push our own site. The new /jobs page will be easier to find through the major search engines, making it easier for candidates to find and apply to my clients roles. The greater exposure is a win-win for everyone and you should start to see Herrera Homes roles appearing online more often. I believe after 3 years we've established ourselves as one of the best house-build agencies in the Northwest and now we have some of the hardware to back it up. UNDERPANTS - oh, we've already been there.

Thanks everyone for your support, there'll be improvements to come later in the year on the site (mostly in the copy) but for now, behold www.herrerahomes.co.uk in all its glory. Take a look and all feedback is welcome albeit only complimentary please ;)
Thanks to John Shepperd at The Pixel Room for your help, find out more about him and his business here: https://www.thepixelroom.co.uk/.