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Herrera Homes

Herrera Homes Is 2-years Old

Herrera Homes is officially 2 years old as of the 1st of October! Me and Mrs. Kirkham-Herrera celebrated with a (lairy) tributes night at Bowlers on Friday night - you tend to scout out tribute nights as you get older 😁 - we got home in one piece. And how has it gone these last two years? Simply put, as below:

October to December 2019 - pretty scary

January to February 2020 - a shortlived getting better

March 2020 to August 2020 - pretty shit scary actually

August 2020 to February 2021 - a longer lived getting better

February 2021 to October 2021 - BETTER

As one Director told me last year, 'if you survived in 2020 then you'll be alright' and so it has been. 2021 has been a pretty decent year, Gina has joined the business, we've placed a good number of people in permanent and freelance jobs and I believe Herrera Homes has established itself out there as one of the good recruitment consultancies by doing it the way it works for us - nothing fancy, no bullshit, crack on and try to get the job done (which in summary means we don't have wanky business cards 😉).

John Kirkham and Georgina Kirkham enjoying some baggy 90's music in a warehouse in Trafford Park

I get asked what it's like running a business. For me, and generally in recruitment in the right business, you're doing pretty much everything anyway (except the accounting) so truthfully I just take it in my stride, get on with it and don't make a big song and dance about it. That'll all come in my autobiography - available at all crap bookstores - The Herrera Homes Years: A Recruitment Odyssey.

Many thanks to all our clients, candidates and people who stay in touch and help out.



Herrera Homes | Residential Recuitment | North West England


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